Peter Pixie lives in a toadstool in the middle of a deep, dark forest. Like all young Pixies he has to go to school. He travels there with his best friend Jonathan in an acorn train to the big oak tree in the middle of the forest. Today is an exciting day because his class is visiting the Rescue Centre.
Full synopsis
Peter Pixie lives in a toadstool in the middle of a deep, dark forest. Like all young Pixies he has to go to school. He travels there with his best friend Jonathan in an acorn train to the big oak tree in the middle of the forest. Today is an exciting day because his class is visiting the Rescue Centre.
Whilst there, an unexpected emergency happens when a human is detected on a mushroom hunt, and the Pixie children get to watch a real life rescue take place! Will the Pixie villagers escape to safety in time? And will the bad human get his comeuppance?
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