Young children
Polly's house has felt empty for months but today is the day that all changes. Her mum is taking her to a rescue centre to adopt two rabbits for them to take home. Polly isn't sure what 'adopt' means until she sees how many rabbits there are that have been lost or given away. They need our help!
As Polly and her mum are taken through the back, they learn about the differences between rabbits and other animals, how to care for them and how they can make sure Honey and Sugar will be happy with Polly. These two small rabbits have been in the rescue centre for two years - it's time they found their way home.
Honey & Sugar Get Adopted is a lovely children's story that emphasises our need to rescue animals instead of buying them from a pet store. Thousands of animals a day are currently being brought into rescue centres needing a home. Even more than that are currently in a home where their needs are not being met as their families don’t understand their animal’s natural behaviour. Rabbits are currently the third most loved companion animal (following cats and dogs), but are also the most misunderstood, mistreated and abandoned - something a lot of us struggle to explain to our children. Follow Polly's story and learn as she learns the true meaning of family and how to respect our animal's differences!
Here's what readers have to say about this book....
a beautiful book with an important message. My 7 year old loves it!
A charming story with a powerful and important message. How refreshing for an author to raise awareness of the realities of adopting and owning an animal in an accessible and sympathetic way. A lovely read for both parents and children.
What a wonderful story emphasising and educating on the importance of adopt don't shop'. Such a lovely tale to get both parents and children to consider adopting pets. Beautifully written and illustrated by a debut author. Well done Georgina Day on getting out such an important message.