In his fourth book, singlehanded sailor Roger D. Taylor takes us once more to the remote corners of the Arctic.
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In his fourth book, singlehanded sailor Roger D. Taylor takes us once more to the remote corners of the Arctic. Sailing his newly-created yacht Mingming II, Roger ventures into the Baring Sea and explores the islands of north-eastern Svalbard. During the 55-day voyage to waters seldom sailed in, he encounters everything from walruses to inquisitive humpback whales to massive ice cliffs, and nearly rescues a beautiful Russian girl from Bear Island. On his way back he makes his third visit to the island of Jan Mayen, deep in the Norwegian Sea, and there fulfils a long-held ambition. Acutely observational and well-laced with Taylor’s wry humour, the book is as much an exploration of what is possible with one man, one simple boat and one home-made sail, as a journey to some of the planet’s bleakest and most beautiful islands.
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