T. Gilling

I am a forward-looking information technologist that wants to re-invent personal computing for the 21st century, and, by so doing, make the world a better, more equitable, place. I believe that my open-source-based Stream Tone concept, described in my non-fiction book, The STREAM TONE: The Future of Personal Computing?, can help to bridge the digital divide, connect the unconnected, and bring the Internet, personal computing, and Web to the next billion people. In very simple terms, the Stream Tone is about ensuring that the future is more evenly distributed. It is a bold goal, to be sure, but one that can definitely be achieved if we all work together to make it happen.

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* The latest errata (corrections & updates) for The STREAM TONE: The Future of Personal Computing? are now available, free-of-charge for personal use, from www.TheStreamTone.com/errata.html * The latest, clickable, hyperlink extract for The STREAM TONE: The Future of Personal Computing? is now available, free-of-charge for personal use, from www.TheStreamTone.com/errata.html * The STREAM TONE: The Future of Personal Computing? is available in paperback, hardback, and ebook. Ebook formats include ePub, Kindle, and Nook. Official web site:

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