Peter Johnson

Peter Johnson was born in Brixton, went to Bec Grammar School in Tooting and read geography at Oxford University where he won blues for rugby and judo. After serving five years in the Parachute Brigade he had a successful career in teaching. His final post was as Head of Millfield School in Somerset. He lives with his wife in Stoke Gabriel by the River Dart in Devon. He started writing in retirement. An Arvon course at Totleigh Barton fired his enthusiasm and encouraged him to attempt a novel. He has now completed two. It's Cold at the End of the Bed was the first to be published.

Author's Note regarding It's Cold at the End of the Bed

I loved playing rugby but would I have wanted it to be my job? A question I asked myself at Millfield where I saw the dedication of outstanding athletes whose dream was to play professional sport. Sam's cautionary tale reminds us that a rugby career presents serious mental and physical challenges. It's a tough way to make a living even for the supremely talented.

Note regarding my second novel 'Plot One'

After being a Headmaster and at the top of the professional tree with a huge amount of responsibility, how will the main character, John Stevens, cope with no longer being the "bee's knees"? Has he spent too much time with other people's children and neglected his own? How strong is his marriage?

Retirement, feared by some and embraced by others, is full of potential difficulties, especially for those who have loved work, tasted success and find it difficult to let go. Making this lifestyle change is challenging whatever job you have done and fertile territory for a novel.

Author news

13.11.21 First novel is at the cover design and typesetting stage preparing for publication in 2022.

Jan. 2022 Novel now passed for press and Jack at Troubador is designing the cover.

Feb. 2022 Cover approved and used on the bookshop site. Publication date 28 March.

Mar 2022 Now available to pre-order as a paperback from Waterstones, WH Smith and Amazon, and as an eBook from Apple and Amazon.

28.03.2022 Published and available.

A special day... June 2023 My second Novel is now at the typesetting stage and due for publication in November. "Plot One" is a story exploring the problems of adapting to a new way of life in retirement after being at the top of your profession with considerable responsibility and influence. Workaholic Headmaster John Stevens needs to repair his relationships with his wife and children which have been compromised by his total devotion to the job he loves.

Second Novel "Plot One" was published on 28th November and is available as a paperback from bookshops including Waterstones and Amazon, and as an ebook from Apple and Amazon.

Peter Johnson

Books by this author