Just a girl with a passion for sharing life, exchanging ideas and being open to opportunities. It's my mission to move beyond survival and existence to living in the moment, exploring 'what if's and maybe's' and accepting we are all simply learning in motion.
Today, 7.11.24, marks the start of a new adventure into a dimension of literature that honours our joint love of writing and books. Together, we offer the opportunity to assist those whose lives have been shattered by grief, loss or fear, help them find new chapters that are rich and fulfilling and inspire each other to be our best.
Dec 2024 ~ excitement is building as the AI sheet is distributed, the link to pre-orders is activated and tested to ensure all avid readers are given access to my debut book 'Find Your Calmer Chameleon' which explores the road to recovery, provides helpful hints, trusted techniques to help you find ways to manage and grow around your loss.
Jan 2025 ~ Happy New Year, may you capture your dreams and fufill your ambitions. Pre-orders are filtering through, FYCC first edit is ready for review and our timeline looks in good shape. Looking forward to a year filled with WOW (wonder, observe, what next?)
Feb 2025 ~ typeset sorted, a talented team, supportive & eager to listen and incorporate your ideas; exactly what a girl with a dream needs; thanks XOXO
Mar 2025 ~ excitement builds as we enter the final phases before printing!