Victor L Moore

Awithera! That means Welcome in English. Awithera is Elvish-Gaelic and is a language that I introduced for my very first book which is for older children and Young Adults, entitled- The Pentacle of Northumbria - and is the first of a trilogy. The second, entitled- The Sisterhood of The Dead - is completed but needs editing and proofreading. I will come back to these later.

I have been interested in all things magical and fantasy since the age of five, when my aunt took me to see 'Sleeping Beauty' in Swansea. One of the characters was played by my aunt's 'maid' as she liked to refer to such. She was very old school was my aunt. This maid, incidentally, named Marianne, played the part of the 'old witch' and it was that which triggered my fascination with the world of magic.

It was only many decades later that I decided to write my first book, 'The Pentacle of Northumbria'. briefly, he says, the storyline is about two teenagers, boy (Wally) and girl (Bessie) both 13, and living in Eastbourne, get entangled in a parallel world of Celtic sorcery, where is growing tension between various covens and clans which is likely to lead to all-out war between the forces of light and dark magic and our two teens will need to choose sides. For more information please go to my website This website will be up and running shortly. I will let all know when it is up and running.

Now we come to my book published by Troubador- 'Oily Gasbag Goes A Dancing' - for which I have already written a brief synopsis. Again, this is a series, which is illustrated and is aimed at younger readers aged 7-10. I have already written the next three stories and turned the first three into plays as well. They are in chronological order: Oily Gasbag In Austria, Oily Gasbag Hits Paris and Oily Gasbag Rocks Rome. In all three stories, Oily, now in Europe’s capital cities to try and win Dancing World Cups, but does he? He has a change of partner in Austria, but does she stay with him in Paris and Rome? Not only have I introduced European languages; namely - German, French and Italian (with English translations next to the foreign texts) but I take my readers on trips across Vienna, Paris and Rome. I have visited all three capitals and know them well. Moore to come.

I will be signing copies of my books, on Sunday December from 11am onwards. If you around the area, please join me at: La Sicilia Cafe, Enterprise Shopping Centre, Station Parade, Eastbourne BN21 1BD.



Author news

Good afternoon, on Monday 12th February. I will be updating my Author Hub, at least once a month, if not more. You will see direct links to my own new website produced by Sam Thompson of Troubador, and many thanks to you, Sam, for all you have done and your advice and support. There are also direct links to my profiles on X and FB. Follow me and I'll follow you.
I would like to make contact with fellow Troubador authors, especially of fiction, be it Adult, YA or Children. I currently write fantasy for both Children and YA's but have developed an interest in crime and horror. In some of my YA stories, which are dark fantasy, parts do dip, however lightly, into the second genre. As for crime, I did make some notes, when in Florence in 2022, regarding a romantic thriller based in Italy, but that is as far as I have got, for now.

That's all for now, folks. See you soon. Victor.

Hello again on the eve of Monday March 4th. For the very first time, yesterday I came face toi face with my target audience. I will be working wiht two, if not more groups. The first was 8-12, the second, 13-16. This is in Hove and will hopefully continue until end of April. Will be working on produicng plays and improving writn skills. One thing, I learned quickly is to engage withe these types of younger audinces first with q and a sessions, rather than blethring on who I am and what i write. Should be the other way round. I relaised my error: total silence, and changed tact and the atmosphere soon warmed up. Strange to think that as a YA/children's author of many years, this was the very first time I had a young captive audience. I am very used and confident in talking toi adults, so, this was a new challenge for me, and I soon rose to it.

It has been a while since I last did an update, so, here is my latest news on Monday July 15 2024.  Ok, here goes

  1. In only two months I wrote a short children's story, turned into a play and directed and produced it for these children in Hove where I have now been teaching and we went live yesterday, Sunday July 14 (not a good day for English footbell) and the kids were brilliant. The audience loved it. It was called: KAMIL THE CAMEL WHO REFUSD TO WORK ON THE SABBATH-. It is set in modern day Israel and is funny and joyous at a time much needed for Jewish children both here and In Israel, I hope to market both in Israel and the USA
  2. Currently writing two new books, simultaneously.. The first is the third and final book of my trilogoy for YAs and is called - ROGANA- RETURN OF THE DARK EMPRESS. The second is thr fifth in my Oily Gasbag series, entitled-OILY GASBAG BREEZES INTO BERLIN. 
  3. Marketing and promoting takes time and as always beware of thos scammers!

Good Eve to all on Monday September 16. It was a very good seminar for The Troubador Self-Publishing Confernce on Saturday, and many thanks to the staff of Troubador for organising the event. Apart from the programmes, all of which were good, for me the highlight was that of Debbie Young of Jericho Authors: truly inspiring and so positive. Also,  through networking, I met some wonderful fellow authors irrespective of genre. Hope to build on that.

Talking of conferences, next Saturday, Sept 21, I will be attending another one, in Brighton for Playwrights. There will be agents there, so fingers crossed.

And finally, talking of plays, my latest production mentioned earlier, went down very well in Hove on July 14, and both papers, to which I sent photos and Press Release liked what they saw. Unfortunately, things took some time, and the photos were not of great quality, so, I will be working on that, as I believe, I have got something very special here

Hello folks. The date is October 14 2024, so a bit of an update. Following on from the Troubador Publishing conference on Sept 14, I did attend my first-ever Playwright Conference, in Brighton, the following Saturday- Oct 21. This was a new experience for me, so I was delighted that my plays for kids sparked an interest from The Fringe Theatre in Brighton, so am following up on that.

I am also looking at other ways to market and promote my works 'outside of the box', so to speak. Be good to know what other authors think. My email, should you wish to contact me, is: [email protected]



Victor L Moore

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