“Finding Eva” (2016) – Novella. A fictional account of Gibraltarian evacuees and a young girls quest to find a lost acquaintance.
“How David Beckham Saved My Life” (2017) Short story. A personal account of being rescued by a celebrated ex-England footballer in a Nissan Primera (me, not him) and the circus of events that followed.
“Seven Do The History of The World” (2018) A play/satire what I wrote - eventually performed at Hertford Theatre by drama students from Harlow College.
“Hung up on the Liverpool Street Line” (2019). A brief commentary on the space that exists between the old and the young (a predictable but favourite subject of mine). Published in “Herts and Minds" -New Writing from Hertfordshire).
“THE COVID-19 Survival Manual” (2021) – A mock/satirical diary. Well, what else could one do?
Breaking news: I will write again - soon.