Nick Scudamore

Nick Scudamore is a lecturer in the history and theory of cinema. In the late 1970s and the1980s, Nick served 10 long years as a cinema manager in various London art-house cinemas with a brief stay at the Phoenix in Jericho, Oxford. On early release, for good behavior, he evolved into a film lecturer for Birkbeck College at the University of London, a post he held for 12 years.

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So far reviews have been published in the Hampstead Parish Magazine, the Camden New Journal (CNJ), the Cinema Theatre Association newsletter, and 'The Veteran' (The Magazine of the British Cinema and Television Veterans) Extracts focussing on the Classic Cinema, Pond Street, Hampstead have been published in the spring and late summer 2023 editions of 'The Hampstead Village Voice'. Daniel Carrier of the CNJ writes " I genuinely loved it - so well written, original , and a true everyman story, so well told ...a wonderful thing to have read and a privilege to review". Alan Eyes commented in 'The Veteran' "Scudamore paints a highly detailed and convincing picture of the buildings and the distinctive staff he worked with as well as the interventions by head office and top execs, changing some of the names but not all. It seems that (his) marriage led to a safer and more important shift into teaching...but he has provided a very significant record of a short period of how particular cinemas fared as well as conveying the changes in the business generally." The book is on sale at the British Film Institute on the South Bank in London.

Nick Scudamore

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