Mary-Ann Ridgway

Mary-Ann Ridgway, a mother of two, co-founded, developed, and taught at a progressive community school in the UK for over twenty years. She is currently mentoring transformative education initiatives in Europe, driven by her passion for contributing to positive change in society and the world at large.

Mary-Ann is a pioneer in primary education, with extensive expertise in developing and implementing fertile learning environments for children. Her approach honours and stimulates the child’s natural disposition to engage deeply with understanding their human nature and their relationship to the planet, while also igniting their interest in acquiring the knowledge and skills required by present-day society. Recognising the urgent need for collaboration, she has honed effective ways for fostering fruitful working relationships between teachers and parents.

Inspired by her own education at a school founded by the philosopher J. Krishnamurti, she pursued a diploma to become a teacher. She also studied Montessori pedagogy and deepened her understanding of education through further studies and exchanges with radical educators such as Eleanor Duckworth, Kabir Jaithirtha and Gopal Krishnamurthy.

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In Other Woods
What people are saying about the book: 

Human society needs to change and so do its education systems. What would a different education be then, and who would bring it about? For over twenty years of its work, the small school the book refers to dared move away from the dictates of institutional education to try and re-craft autonomously a sensible approach. 'In Other Woods' is a tale that doesn't descend from ideas and suppositions but rises from the ground of what has been realised over that period of the life of the school intent in addressing that fundamental challenge. It doesn't posture as a handbook of good schooling; rather, with a wealth of anecdotes and pointers distilled from such long dedicated practice, it is an invitation to reflect and engage creatively with the work. Numeracy, literacy, and the transmission of knowledge are thinly mentioned here. What lies thus at the heart of a meaningful schooling? Without pointing the finger at anyone, through the sensibility of its considerations and the practice they emerge from, 'In Other Woods' stands as a radical question to present day school systems. Having worked for thirty years at bringing about a different education, I welcomed this book as a present full of insights and observations that in my experience I found at the core of what human education ought to be. L. C (Educator)

Style of a sustained rather rhythmic composure, like the second movement of a Bach Brandenburg Concerto! Great cameos of kids and their goings-on. Also fine, acute observation of the Inwoods psychological interplay between adults and children and adults and adults. I think what you did was start with relationships in the school but somehow expand this as it went on to take in the adult world and finally our relationship with the planet. Krishnamurti says somewhere that if you go deeply into one human problem you take them all in. D.S (Editor and former Trustee)

This book provides an intimate account of education as reflective action. It touches who we are, what we are to each other and how we are to live in and with this world. G.K (Director of Environmental Studies, Antioch University, U.S) 

It's a wonderfully written and vivid account of an inspiring and sustainable way of living and teaching. There is much to like in here both in terms of writing and also vision. C.G Publishers

Mary-Ann! I've finished the book! I'm floating, flying! It's an inspiration! It's well-written and utterly compelling, energising as a book on education jolly well should be! What a read! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing this. You've done us all a service. V.Y (Educator and former colleague)

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