I am 52, living in Scotland with my husband and family. My dream of writing a book, spanned over 40 years. Inspiration came when my husband and I bought a boat in Spain. We spend many hours out at sea alone, and enjoy being involved in the boating and Spanish community. I am a certified Life and Executive Coach Practitioner, and a Personal Development Consultant with my own business. Recently passing my diploma with a distinction. Having worked in health and social care for 32 years, I recently left my post as a Care Inspectorate Officer reporting to the Scottish Government, to pursue adult training, my coaching and writing. I am also PR for a singer who is yet to be signed. We have Co written and recorded a song for the book with an X Factor finalist, for my book launch and her album launch. My goal is for this and my other 3 books, to line the shelves of major bookstores. I want to give something back to this beautiful area of Spain by making this book a best seller. I want people to visit the places mentioned in the book. Bringing money and acclaim into the local economy.