Kay Jay

Working mum, with a sabbatical from my eleven-year teaching career to finally complete, and self-publish Dunn. The year is almost up, but I did it. I also managed the first draft of an early teen/young adult adventure novel, based on Celtic mythology. I've just started the second draft and it's currently available free on Wattpad - but it is in it's early stages. Dunn took years to write in between working full time and raising my son, so I'm hoping my new series won't take as long. I have previous scientific writing experience from working in Microbiology research (and just about getting my PhD). I'm a keen but injured runner, aiming to get a good for age time to get me into London marathon (then maybe Boston). I was 6 minutes too slow for London last year and I'm injured this year, so that goal's on hold. I also love open water swimming (mostly sea, but also working my way through the lakes in the Lake District, Cumbria), and I do triathlons and Tae Kwon Do when my legs aren't injured (so not this year).

Author news

Quite a few reviews of Dunn now on Amazon and Goodreads. Also managed to get a press release in Seaford Scene. I will be publishing articles about my work, character backgrounds/character interviews/short stories on my WordPress blog on kayjayblog.com and my website kayjayauthor.com . The first draft of the young teen novel I have been working on this year is also available on wattpad, but it is in early stages. I have just started draft two so there's a long way to go

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