John Bishop

John Bishop was born in Heswall on the Wirral and now lives in Codsall near Wolverhampton. Originally an English teacher, he was for six years a College Principal in Birmingham. 'The Chinese Attack', his first novel and originally published by Vanguard in 2011, was inspired by his grandfather's involvement as a sergeant with the Chinese Labour Corps on the Western Front in WW1. His second novel, 'Love, Freedom or Death', derives from a long-running love affair with Greece. His third novel, 'Refuse to Forget', emerged from a fascination with the way WW1 started and drew people into a cataclysm they could never have imagined. During Lockdown2 he decided to complete a project he'd envisaged several years earlier, namely a personal guide to the Greek islands for the nervous traveller, with the title 'Will There be toilets on Delos?'

Author news

'The Chinese Attack: Ypres 1917' is the second edition of the 2011 paperback, currently available as a Matador ebook but re-issued in paperback format. This will coincide with the centenary of the foundation of the Chinese Labour Corps in early 1917. 'Will There Be Toilets on Delos?' is scheduled for release on 28 August 2021.
John Bishop

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