Jennifer Sprinks

Jennifer has worked as a journalist for nearly 20 years for a range of national and trade titles, including The Independent, The Guardian and the Local Government Chronicle. Prior to starting her family, she worked as a freelance journalist and communications consultant. She is now editor of two national nursing titles.

She has a Bachelor of Science degree in European Union studies from Cardiff University and a master of science degree in Development Studies from London South Bank University, as well as a London School of Communications postgraduate qualification in periodical journalism. She speaks French, Spanish and Japanese and enjoys dance, reading, travel and music. 

Jennifer's career in children's picture book writing began nearly two years ago with the publication of Furiosaurus the Angry Dinosaur. It was written during the pandemic as a way of helping children to understand and manage their feelings of anger. Her second title Mouse in my Mouth! is due to be published later this year.

Books by this author