Jennifer Adams works in corporate communications and change. She enjoys writing and is a founding member of the writer's group The Brisbane Scribes. Jennifer's many conversations about her and her husband's decision to sleep separately led her to write the first version of A Sleep Divorce, titled Sleeping Apart not Falling Apart, to help people understand why sleep is so important and why sacrificing sleep to meet the social expectations of how and where couples sleep isn't worth it. Jennifer is a dedicated separate sleeper, having spent one week sharing a bed with her husband - they weren't even married then. But twenty years later, they are happy and healthy, and getting good sleep to contribute to their health, every night.
Dr. Neil Stanley is an independent freelance sleep expert, Director of Sleep Science at Sleepstation in the UK, and has been involved in sleep research for more than 42 years. He started his career at the Neurosciences Division of the R.A.F. Institute of Aviation Medicine and has contributed to the development of European guidelines for the accreditation of Sleep Medicine Centres, certification of professionals in sleep medicine, and standard procedures for adults in accredited sleep medicine centres in Europe. Neil's first book How to Sleep Well provides practical advice on how to improve sleep quality.