Jeanne is 62 years old. She was born and raised in South Croydon before moving to nearby Coulsdon in her mid 20s. Jeanne was employed as a secretary for 10 years before giving birth to identical triplet girls in 1989. Since then, she has worked at several local schools, and has been in her current post in a Coulsdon secondary school for 16 years. Jeanne lives with her husband Chris. She loves cats, music (mostly rock and Americana), going to the theatre, walking in the countryside and socialising with family and friends. Jeanne was primarily inspired to write by her wish to share both her passion for the Lake District and her love for England; its history, heritage and people. She was also driven by her desire to recreate the world in which she grew up and lived as a young adult; a world where people ate family meals together, phoned up friends and relations, wrote letters, played board games and made their own entertainment. On her inspiration for her writing style, she wished (in her own small way) to emulate traditional novelists such as Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters and Thomas Hardy, who wrote vivid and enthralling tales of romance, tragedy and redemption using the power of implication to serve up potent scenes in a relatively appetising manner!