Gabriella Thomas

Gabriella Thomas lives in Brixton in South London. She works full-time as a Clinical Nurse Specialist working with children and families; she has worked in Nursing, mainly in the NHS for over 25 years. She was born in Reading in Berkshire, though of Italian origin and is married with 2 older children and has 2 young grandchildren, Mariella and Elliot. I lived and worked in Aberystwyth in mid-Wales for 4 years between 2010 and 2014, to be near my daughter Sonia and my wonderful grandchildren Mariella and Elliot. In reflection, the sea and the mountains were inspirations at this time and coupled with my grandchildren were more than enough to start me on the path to writing THE CATS OF BUTTERWICK SANDS

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I am so pleased that my book THE CATS OF BUTTERWICK SANDS has been re released as an Ebook For further information on the book please visit my website Thank you The Cats of Butterwick Sands is a children's book following the various adventures of cats in a small run down seaside town called Butterwick Sands, a place that has seen better days; the hero being one special cat named Percy. He is a very clever and dignified cat and he is at the centre of all the adventures, stories and intrigues that the cats and other animals have. The other cats within the book are strays from across England and beyond - they come together to restore the funfair and caravan park, breathing life back into Butterwick and thus ensuring its survival

Gabriella Thomas

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