Gender: Cynical slick chick. Age: New age, old school. Height: 1.70 m Low: Running out of cappuccino sachets. Bio My personality test described me as a spontaneous idealist and I have to agree.  I am at my best and liveliest when playing with new, creative ideas.  I'm a great believer in freedom to express without restraints and being passionate about your work. If what you do doesn't bring you joy then you shouldn't be doing it; you'll never do it well. Writing:  Whilst I have had many freelance roles in this field writing for tabloids, magazines and businesses, my preferred style is of a whimsical nature. I like to observe people, life and situations and find the humour within. I enjoy reaching into the deeper emotions of readers and making them feel. I write in a storytelling fashion that enables me to engage with the reader and paint a visual picture that they can relate to, or empathise with. Strengths: Accidental life coach and practicing mentalist. Weaknesses: Bad hair days but sexy hair made me what I am. Dreams: Floating above castles in the air, from a pipe. Realities: What? Again? Likes: Hammocks on beaches with a margarita in each hand, Apple products to an alarmingly, unhealthy degree, junkets, travel, reading, exploring, bacon, freedom, red lippy, chess, backgammon and word games. Would like to be best friends with Tyrion Lannister, Stephen Fry or David Walliams. Dislikes: Hierarchy, control, English weather, black pudding, long queue’s, strawberries, maths, internet failure and spiders. Synopsis: A free spirited, quirky soul with a passion for the fanciful, that won’t go out in the rain unless here’s a tarantula in the living room.

Author news

Wednesday 11th November 2015 from 7pm to 8.30pm - Book talk and signing at Five Leaves Bookshop - Nottingham's Independent Bookshop - 14a Long Row W, Nottingham NG1 2DH Tel: 0115 837 3097 Saturday 14th November 2015 at 5pm ~ Book Launch ~ Talk and book signing at Waterstone's Bookshop 1-5 Bridlesmith Gate, Nottingham NG1 2GR 0115 947 0069