David Longridge

David Longridge is a writer with a wealth of experience and success in the real world. After school he worked for, and became, Chief Executive of Avis International, then second largest car rental company globally. That was followed by a long stint in investment banking in the City of London. On retirement, he decided to release his creativity by writing books that were fictional, but in an historical setting of a period he loved. David lived and worked in Paris in the 1960's, including assignments to Algiers and the Sahara. "Fracture" is his fourth novel, in which he has woven his story around the real facts of what happened in France and Algeria when they separated. These were the most drastic times in French history. Times of total devastation, bombs in Paris, terrorism, espionage, betrayal, assassinations, fear, and brutal revenge on a scale unseen since the French Revolution of 1789. These are the locations and timeframe when the events in "Fracture" take place. David has a strong interest in French political and military history, this being the foundation for the four novels he has written to date. He works from his home in Malmesbury, England, with his wife Anna who is a practising artist.

David Longridge

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