Chris Fraser OBE

Chris Fraser is a former Royal Marines commando and senior Hong Kong (HK) Special Branch officer who has spent the last fifty years working in and around the People`s Republic of China, including what is now the HK Special Administrative Region. Chris is a Cantonese speaker and has worked in both a public and private sector capacity for the Hong Kong Government, the British Government and various Mainland China and HK corporates and organisations at director or equivalent level. He was present at the Handover of HK to China ceremonies in 1997 and his extensive experience ranges from analysis of Chinese politics and intelligence agency duties, to expertise in the field of foreign direct investment (FDI) from around the world, including China where he was instrumental in Huawei Technologies` decision to set up in the United Kingdom. He is regularly asked for advice on doing business in China.

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This memoir covers fifty years of change in China from the failed Great Leap Forward in the late 50s, through the period of the Cultural Revolution and its aftermath, up to the present day, including an attempted coup against the Chinese Government. Aspects of politics are mixed with business experiences in the People`s Republic plus foreign direct investment promotion know how including representing the British Government when attracting Huawei Technologies into the UK.
Chris Fraser OBE

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