
I trained as a graphic designer and my first book The Dandelion Who Refused to be a Weed, is an eye-catching picture book designed and written to entertain adults as well as children! The story is humorously written from my own life experiences which, people say, gives it a charming authenticity. With a great play on words and subtext, the story is fun, as well as being thought-provoking, and is beautifully illustrated with bright colours and characters, making any child or adult want to pick it up and read more!

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My children's picture book 'The Dandelion Who Refused to be a Weed’ is about a dandelion called Dolores who believes she is just as good as the beautiful flowers, even though she is called a weed. When a storm comes however, it's the beautiful flowers that lose their heads while the weeds keep theirs! The story promotes self esteem and has been highly praised by parents, teachers and children. With beautiful illustrations and a great play on words it's a must-have read for everyone! Available to buy now on Amazon and from other online retailers

Books by this author