Alec Forman and Jan Forman

Alec and Jan met in Germany whilst both serving with the British Army. Alec, an aircraft engineer was seconded to the British Antarctic Survey and lived in Antarctica for three southern summer seasons. To date he has visited over eighty-five countries and all seven continents. His claim to fame is having a glacier named after him in Antarctica as noted in Jan used her nursing and midwifery skills in Canada, Sultanate of Oman and Mali, West Africa. She has visited over fifty countries many of which are shared about in Strangers Like Angels. Alec and Jan spent over twenty years living in the Dreilanderecke region of France, Germany and Switzerland. In 2022 they relocated back to the UK, whilst their Land Rover was stored in a barn in France.


Author news

Now in 2025 we thought you’d be interested to know that the Land Rover which we’ve recently named aSLAn is on its way to Sweden. Since we left Germany aSLAn has been in the barn on the farm of our friend Sébastien for safe keeping, whilst we decided what was the best way forward in the long term, especially as Alec had prepared it for restoration during lockdown. Well Lauren’s a young Dutch guy has his own Land Rover business called Smet Works in Sweden, offered to take full responsibility for aSLAn and restore it to its former glory as when we set off on our epic journey in 1977. aSLAn will be restored by Lauren’s and have a prime spot in his showroom for always. We anticipate regular social media posts of the restoration and a fresh interest in the back-story of this legendary vehicle and increased sales of our book "Strangers like Angels - with a devil or two to boot".

Alec Forman and Jan Forman

Books by this author