Fantasy and Horror

Beyond the Water Meadows

by Maggie Allder
Released: 28th April, 2021
For years the world has been torn apart by pandemics and civil war, but at last the country is getting back to normal. Daisy lives in a care home and, with her friends, begins to explore the city beyond the Water Meadows where she has grown up.

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Full synopsis

Daisy lives happily in a care home with twelve other children, sheltered from a dangerous world of sickness and war. As everything finally returns to normal, she and her friends begin to explore the city beyond the Water Meadows where she has grown up. But while there are exciting new experiences, there are also people who are quick to take advantage of naive teenagers, to exploit them for their own financial gain. They are both cunning and ruthless, and it isn't long before Daisy and her friends find themselves threatened by them. 

Not only that, there is something mysterious about Daisy’s friend, Sophie, a comparatively recent arrival to the care home. Why will she never speak about her time before she arrived at Xunzi House? Why, when everyone else seems to be spreading their wings and enjoying their new freedoms, does Sophie seem to withdraw more and more? And why does she seem to be afraid of the world out beyond the Water Meadows? Is she, perhaps, right to be fearful - and if so, what does that mean for Daisy and her friends? 

For years the world has been a dangerous place, but at last the country is getting back to normal - or is it?

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