
Made, Laid and Betrayed in Hong Kong

The Scandalous Tales of Two Young Colonial Policemen

by Victor Blair
Released: 28th November, 2023
Follow the true story of two young yet disparate Brits as they venture east to Hong Kong to join the colonial police out there.

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Full synopsis

Need cheering up? How about a nostalgic trip back to the 1970s with a different perspective?

Follow the true story of two young yet disparate Brits as they venture east to Hong Kong to join the colonial police out there. Initially bought-in to the adventure, bright lights and the hedonistic pleasures of the Exotic East, Alan and Bob are thrown into a world somewhat divergent to the picture painted whilst under training. They begin to butt heads with corruption, colonial excess, privilege and protectionism and run into connivers, skivers and survivors.

The story follows the two young, relatively naive men along their journey from their eight-month police training to their posts as policemen. It is filled with colourful incidents and exotic tales, with liberal doses of tongue in cheek humour and literary licence thrown in, you'll scarcely believe what they encountered.

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