Young children

The Two Worlds of Tom Tinderlee

by David Geey
Released: 28th April, 2024

The Two Worlds of Tom Tinderlee follows Tom, a young boy with temper issues, as he travels to an undiscovered planet. Will Tom find the courage to overcome his fears and combat an ancient predator who after centuries of sleep is about to wake?

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Full synopsis

Tom, who is desperate to escape his cruel guardians, meets a time controller, named Obedere and decides to join a children’s sanctuary built by tribes of giants, called Stak, on a planet beyond the known stars. It also gives him the chance to continue his search for his teacher’s brother who disappeared when he was Tom’s age and may have travelled with the Obedere.

But his new home has secrets, and the children face danger from an ancient predator who after centuries of sleep is about to wake. Tom’s pursuit of his quest and curiosity leads him to the forbidden caves where the creature is about to emerge.

It is the first time in 800 years that a child of his age has faced such danger. If the creature escapes, the children in the sanctuary are doomed. Will the evil that lurks ahead be defeated, or will Tom become one of its prey?

The Two Worlds of Tom Tinderlee is a gripping fantasy story about bravery, courage and overcoming your fears.

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